November 1, 2009

Is This What Runners Deal With?

When Mike and I were in North Carolina a few weeks ago for a wedding, I ran a lot. It was the week after the half marathon and I wanted to keep the distance momentum going. I went for one two hour run and then for a one and a half hour run the day after that. I was feeling just fine until the night after my second run, while we were dancing at the reception. After I was done bringing sexy back, I couldn't put any weight on my right foot. It was really, truly painful. We drove home the next day so I had no choice but to stay off of it.

The pain was really strange. It wasn't in the ankle and I couldn't stretch it out. The pain ran along the right side of the heel, towards the toe. It didn't hurt to rub my foot or touch it- just standing on it caused pain. It was worse when I wore flats without my orthopedic shoe inserts. So I only wore my inserts. I was freaking out because I don't have health insurance until December. What if I developed a stress fracture with all the distances I was running? I would have no way of finding out and it could get worse. I really didn't know how to proceed.

It hurt for about a week. I swam and lifted weights for my exercise so I wouldn't put constant pressure on my foot. After three pain-free days I decided to try my foot out and go on a 5 mile run. Mike and I would like to run in a 15k (9.3 miles) this coming weekend and I want to keep my running up. I made it one mile in my run when my arch started to hurt- but not the usual location of pain. The more I ran, the more the pain moved around my foot to the spot near my heel. I cut the run short and went home.

That was last Wednesday. My foot hurt for only two days and I waited one pain-free day before I went running, which brings us to today. I wanted to see if running with the inserts would solve this problem. I made it through mile one just fine. In fact, I made it all five miles without a problem and my foot isn't hurting post run. If tonight's any indication I'll be able to make it through 9 miles. I'll take it easy this week and do some cross training.

It's all so strange and new to me. Is this normal?

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