May 5, 2009

Like Brownies?

Almost routinely I get oogled by dirty men on my way home from work. I walk a sketchy part of town (really not that sketchy but really very dirty) and always pass some dude a little verbose with his adoration of my ass. It's usually a, "hey baby, how you doin'?" or something along those lines. But lately these dudes have been really... different. On Thursday of last week it was two old fellows who let me walk past them only to smack their lips and murmur things in the affirmative. That was a new approach. But I don't think anything will beat what happened yesterday.

I'm on the phone with my friend Tina when I'm walking past a parking lot while a truck pulls in. The passenger is right next to me when he asks me how I'm doing. I answer that I'm fine and keep walking and talking to Tina. I'm stuck waiting to cross the street and I hear him doing the usual, mmmm yeah crap. I turn and say thank you, yeah okay or whatever just to wave him off. Then I hear real yelling and I turn to make sure everything is okay. The same guy is standing the doorway yelling at me, "Whatever it is you are eating keep eating it!"




Tina Winston said...

I wondered what was going on, lol!

Unknown said...

hmmm... that's really quite... sweet?

dad said...

Har!! That is rich. All the interesting stuff happens to you. But it must be nice knowing you make somebody's day just walking down the street, sunshine!