May 8, 2009

Is There Crying in Softball?

I play in a recreational softball league during the summer months and we had our first two games earlier this week. I played catcher last season and I don't know where I'm going to be placed this season. I can only hope I'm the catcher fairly often so my body can get used to the ridiculousness that is the constant squatting and getting up that is the job description of catcher. I mean, after playing catcher after one game THREE DAYS ago I walk like I don't know how to use my knees. It hurts SO MUCH to do anything. I'm so sore I move like this guy after the alien takes over his body:

No amount of stretching or other kinds of exercise can make this go away. I hope I can get back to training for July sooner than later. Right now I feel like my thigh muscles are pulled pork.

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