April 3, 2009

Keeping It Real, Keeping It Fresh

There are some things I'm going to be trying with the blog. One of them is Plinky. I've been resistant to Twitter because I still just don't know about it (but I'm afraid curiosity is going to kill my cat eventually. There are some people I'd like to follow. I'll let you know.) Instead I thought this newer site Plinky would be really fun to try. Plinky started in January and it's a website of prompts that people question. Some of the answers others submit can be really thought provoking and some can be really mundane- just like anything else in this vast Internet. I'm trying it out to challenge myself to think differently. So far it's pretty neat. So you'll be seeing some shorter posts- but frequently- and you'll know why. But I'm not going to use Plinky in lieu of writing real posts, don't you worry your pretty little heads about it.


PersicaPit said...

I just gave a lengthy discourse on my blog about my initial aversion to Twitter, and how it took me months to accept it. But I have to say, tweeting is pretty damn addictive, and there are some great tweets to follow out there.

Also loving Plinky -- those little prompts are really fun to answer. :)

belleshpgrl said...

The prompts are really neat. I've been working on an answer to what I would do when the zombies come. There is so much to plan out!

PersicaPit said...

Well, according to the Zombie Survival Handbook, the most important thing to do in a zombie attack is to get to a higher level and destroy the stairs. DESTROY THE STAIRS. Clearly, I need to purchase an axe ...