Mike sold his car on Saturday. We are officially a one car household. For me, nothing has changed- except I added Mike to my auto insurance policy (for a whopping extra $2 a month). We weren't using the second car and whenever it needed to be moved due to parking Mike did all the moving. It was out of my sight and out of my mind. Mike, however, is free two huge financial burdens- his insurance policy and auto payment. He was going to have the car paid off by summer but for what? A just-in-case-car? That's lame.
I'm a little nervous. I'm glad we live somewhere that I can move around by bus. It's not the easiest sometimes but apparently I'm psychic and got a dentist and a doctor on bus lines. What makes me nervous is the question about whether or not having a car at my disposal tethers me professionally to Albany. In the short term it does. In the long term maybe not. With no car payments between the two of us we can save up for an inexpensive car should it be needed and Mike's not going to be working so far away for ever. This is an overall great thing. I just need to get used to the reality of one car for the first time in my life.
The changes that I need to implement immediately are directly attached to my attitude. I need to be more willing to be the one picking up and dropping off at times. Right now I'm not so easy going about that. I need to be better at planning my time that requires a car and communicating that with Mike. Once I get those changes going it will be much better and much smoother. Until we get into that rhythm it's going to be bumpy. I really hope this pays off. Literally.
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